

Adventure and Farm Trip – Grade V

5th Graders along with their teachers recently went for a day trip! The trip consisted of beautiful weather, farming, pottery, trekking and much more. Overall, it was a wonderful trip filled with adventure & new experiences!

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Waldorf Approaches Artificial Intelligence with a Human Heart

In the Age of the ‘Digital Revolution,’ Waldorf education continues to uphold core human values relatedto human development. As technologies rapidly advance and the world undergoes realignments ingovernance, education, and economy, the enduring question of what it truly means to be human remainscrucial. At the

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The Adolescent Years

The transition from childhood to youth brings many challenges. The young person needs guidance for the critical faculty of judgment is not yet awake. He/she guards jealously the little flame of independence of which he now becomes aware. There is a longing for self-expression and

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Cyber Crime Awareness Program

‘DiLSeY’ (Digital Literacy to Secure Youth) Team – Cyber volunteers of Cyberabad Commissionerate conducted a wonderful and informative session on cyber space and safety of youngsters on Internet, Social Media & other cyber spaces as part of Cyber Crime Awareness program at Prerana Waldorf with

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Accolades and Laurels

“Imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart and achieve with all your might.” Heartiest congratulations to our Preranites A moment of elation as we share the name of students who excelled in various competitions and did us proud. Dhruthi NC- Grade III

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75th Independence Day

A Day to reflect and learn. Never again will we let any force trespass our country. A Nation that has taken giant strides in growth and development. A Nation where people take pride in their Nationality and self reliance.A Nation with a Vision and a

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Grade 7 Human Physiology

The seventh graders are ready to experience the quintessential kingdom, the human being. The myriad changes which are going on within their own bodies awaken a profound interest in the Physiology block. Students present the study of vital human systems, including respiration, digestion, and circulation.

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