

The Art and Craft of Science

SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION CAN DEPEND ON ENGAGING MORE STUDENTS IN THE ARTS. Suppose you have a talented child with a profound interest in science. This child has a choice of going to an academically elite high school or to a high school where the

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Changing Habits Among Children

Though writing by hand is increasingly being eclipsed by the ease of computers, new studies show that handwriting helps people learn certain skills surprisingly faster and significantly better. Since children are writing less in the present times, the real question is: Are there other benefits

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Growing up as a Mindful Generation

Children learn so much more from watching what we do than from listening to what we say so, being mindful ourselves, is the first step in teaching children how to live a mindful life. What is mindfulness?Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, without

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What Learning Cursive Does for Your Brain

Cursive Writing Makes Children Smarter.Gone are the days when we adults went to school, one of the first things we learned was how to write the alphabet, in capitals and lower case, and then to hand-write words, sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Some of us were

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Why Form Drawing?

What do we achieve with the different forms? Geometric shapes – helps develop spatial orientation and wakefulness; also helps to develop mathematical thinking. Spirals – work with centre and periphery, moving from the outside inward or vice versa. Forward and backward walking stimulates and strengthens

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